Monday 15 December 2014

Jaldapara - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India



We are enjoying the car ride through the Buxa forest. We are going to Madarihat. Our driver is telling stories about this road. How people has met with elephants on this stretch. We are thrilled. The sun has gone set. The light is diminishing. So is doing our bravery. I am wishing no meeting with jumbos on the road. 

We have reached Madarihat. We have booking in a lodge. We are searching for the lodge and we have found it in no time. Our driver has stopped the car at the exact place. 

Our luggages are unloaded from the car. We are saying goodbye to our driver. He was hired for the day long trip and dropping us here. We are happy with his service. He will now return to Jayanti on the same route.

 The road map from Buxa to Jaldapara
( Please don't judge by scale ;) )

Its a nice cool evening. I have come out to accompany Soumendu for his venture to buy cigarette. There is a four point crossing nearby. We have crossed the road and walked few steps to reach a shop. The shopkeeper has returned the balance amount and Soumendu is counting it. The shopkeeper has included a five rupees Bhutanese note instead of five rupees Indian note casually. The customer now has found it and expressing his objection. The shopkeeper is insisting to take the note as a souvenir of the trip. But the customer is not interested at all.

Our dinner is over and now we have gone to bed. Tomorrow we have to get up early to do jungle safari. A Maruti Gypsi will come in front of our lodge to pick us up. We wanted to do Elephant Safari but no vacancy is there. So we have to do the whole jungle safari on Gypsi. We need to go to sleep quickly but I am having an interesting chat with Soumya while Soumendu and Argha are listening silently.

We have got up at right time and we are now ready for our early morning jungle safari. We have come down on road and boarded the Gypsy. Its a December morning and we are the passengers on board of a open top Gypsy.

Our car started and quickly we have reached at the gate of the Jaldapara Wildlife Sanctuary. After completing the formalities to enter the jungle, our car has started again.

Now we all four are standing. Our eyes are searching for the inhabitants of the jungle. After some time our car has stopped and our guide is showing us something at the left side of us. Its a male peacock. The peacock is having a stroll and we are watching it silently. Suddenly it started flying on above our head and crossed the road and disappeared in the jungle.

Our car is running fast and we are all freezing by standing on the open car. Again our car is slowing down and our guide is showing something on the left side in front of us. Its a big bison.

The bison we saw

Our car is moving fast. We can hear the sound of the car tyres on the ground. We are watching carefully if any more animal can be seen. We four tourists are standing. The wind is so cold that our hands are getting numb. The sun is rising. The earthy road is going deep into the sparse jungle. I am enjoying the beauty of this fantastic morning.

One of the branches of the earthy road network in Jaldapara

We can see some other earthy roads are crisscrossing the road we are traveling. The roads have formed a network to reach different parts of the jungle. We have now taken a diversion on our left. After passing some distance we can see some spotted dears are kept inside a closed area. The fencing is made of iron nets. Don't know what is the reason behind this zoo like system. Probably its made to protect the deers.
Next part:  Jaldapara Part-2

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Next part:  Jaldapara Part-2

Previous part:  Destination Buxa Fort

Monday 1 December 2014

Buxa Part-2 - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India

Buxa Part-2

After crossing the tree, we have found a shop nearby. There are few benches too in front of the shop. We are taking a break here. After eating some momo, we are enjoying tea now. I am tired and nobody else is seating on this bench. So I am now taking rest on my back and looking at the big tree above. This facility is free with momo and tea. I am feeling homely. This is a beauty of my country. 

We have resumed our walking. This part is easier. We have reached to a small stream. There is a bridge built on it. We are spending some time here. We can see the moon in the clear sky in the broad daylight. From here again our journey is upward.

The forest cover of Buxa hills

We are taking a small shortcut route. It is quite steep. When we are climbing, suddenly a dog has pushed me by its body and overtaken us. We did not know a dog was following us. It has surprised us.

Soumendu captured the moment when the dog was overtaking us

Now the pathway is going through a village. The houses are scattered on both sides of the path. There are mainly flowers plants that can bee seen all over the village area. The villagers are not seem to be much interrupted by our presence. So we can assume tourists are very regular to visit this place. Its winter time and peak season for tourism in dooars area.

A decorative plant in the village

We have reached at the Buxa Fort. There is a nice playground inside the fort premises. No idea what purpose this flat ground served when the fort was alive. During the British rule, this fort was used as prison. There were many prison cells spread all over the fort premises. The remains can be seen spread all over. It was a big prison and a notorious indeed.

The gang inside the ruins of Buxa Fort

We have explored the fort's main building area and we spent some time doing photo shooting. We have posed with the kukri (a dangerous looking knife) of our guide. Everyone of us posed with the kukri alone (giving a killer expression). In my photo I am looking innocent and helpless with the kukri in my hand. I am not going to show you that photo.  ;)

Now we are sitting at a tea shop near the fort gate adjacent to the fort wall. We cant say that its a tea shop in particular. It is selling many things mostly grocery items along with alcoholic beverages. Fosters and Haywards 5000 cans are fighting to attract the visitors. Lets see who wins.  ;)

The score is
Fosters             : 3
Haywards 5000  : 1

We have taken enough rest. Now we have started our return journey. This part of the trekking is easier as we are going downhill. 

We are having conversations with the guide about his family. His son and daughter are settled in faraway cities as there are very few employment opportunities here. They come to visit their native place occasionally. We are asking him if he has ever visited the Kolkata city. He is saying that he has visited the big Siliguri city but not the Kolkata city. He has heard about the Kolkata city as most tourists come from there. I am thinking that this man has spent almost his entire life in this jungle. It is fortunate or unfortunate for him, I am not able to judge that.

We have crossed more than half of the distance towards Santrabari. The sun is going to say adieu for the day. We can see our car is waiting for us. Our driver has taken it here to save time as we have to cover a long distance to reach Madarihat. Everyone is seemed happy to see our car.  :)
Next part:  Jaldapara 

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Next part:  Jaldapara

Previous part:  Destination Buxa Fort

Saturday 15 November 2014

Buxa Trekking - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India

Destination Buxa Fort

We are going to Buxa Fort. We have taken our breakfast-cum-lunch (after which Argha revisited the cottage that we checked out) at Jayanti and then started our journey. We are riding the same Tata Sumo that we hired for the morning trip. We have now crossed the river Bala. The road is very dusty. Our car is leaving dust cloud behind. I am wearing a red woolen cap to protect my hair from the dust. I bought this cap couple of years back near the Ghum monastery in Darjeeling.

We have reached a three point crossing and we are taking right turn. We are going towards Santrabari from where we will start trekking. This path is not that much dusty. It is a nice and comfortable journey through this part of the Buxa forest. On this way we have seen some agricultural lands and few human habitats. There are some kind of watch towers present inside these agricultural lands. Probably they are built to watch the crops from animals.

On the way to Santrabari

We have reached Santrabari. Its a small village. There are few shops selling tea, momo (a type of steamed bun without or with veg or non-veg  filling.) and noodles. We are leaving the car here to start trekking. It is a 5 km trek uphill. After visiting the Buxa Fort, we will return here on the same way. We have already walked a lot in the morning at Jayanti. But we are not afraid to walk another 10 km now.

We are hiring a guide. We are informed that its mandatory to take a guide here to support the local economy. From the conversations between the driver and the guide of the morning tour at Jayanti, we have come to know that no Bengali guide is allowed for the Buxa Fort trekking. Tourists have to take guide from Nepali origin. Anyway we are not digging into the socio political issues. We are only some innocent and stupid tourists after all.

We are walking uphill. The path is earthy and rocky mixed. The jungle is all around. In our school days we have read about the Buxa Tiger Project in our textbook. We have now got the opportunity to walk inside the Buxa Reserve Forest. Tiger is now rare here but leopards are very common. We are thrilled. 

Route map from Jayanti to Buxa
( Please don't judge by scale ;) )

The guide is a simple man. He is entertaining us well (some credit goes to the person who invented liquor).

A boy has joined us in the journey. He is returning from school. He lives at the village near the Buxa Fort. He has to walk nearly 10 km everyday to study in a school. He was waiting at Santrabari  to get some company for the journey. After all it is a jungle.

We are going to the Buxa Fort

We have crossed half of the distance. There is a resting place made for the trekkers. Let us take a break here. 

We are walking again after taking rest for some time. After ten minutes walk our guide brought us to a viewing point. From here we can see a part of the Buxa forest from the top. We can see the Bala river that we crossed by car in our way. The Jayanti river also can be seen from here. I am feeling happy seeing both the rivers from here.

The river Jayanti (left) and the river Bala (right)

We are walking again. This path is easier. Kind of maintaining same altitude with little variations. After walking for some time we found a tree got uprooted and has fallen on the road.

A tree got uprooted and has fallen on the road

Next part:   Buxa Part-2

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Next part:   Buxa Part-2

Previous part:  Good Morning Jayanti

Saturday 1 November 2014

Jayanti Part-3 - Weekend Destination - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India

Good Morning Jayanti

Its a fine winter morning. Last night we sat on the porch for long till midnight. It was a memorable night. But we have arisen early today. We are getting fresh one by one. Today we are going to start for a trekking as soon as we all get ready. Before starting trekking we will cover some distance by car. Last evening we have hired a Tata Sumo which will be our vehicle for today. The car is waiting for us on the road in front of our cottage. Its an old white colored Tata Sumo. The caretaker of our cottage will be our guide today. We are going to visit Chhoto Mahakal. This is as far I know (having less knowledge is an opportunity to enjoy more!).

We all are in the car. Argha is sitting at the front seat beside the driver. The sun has just come up glowing from behind the mountains (thats why the sun is white). The driver has started the engine and finally we are moving. The car has embarked on the riverbed. The riverbed and surround are quite shining in this clear morning. We are going upstream along the river. We are criss-crossing the river many times and we are enjoying it very much. Its an unique experience for us.

The river Jayanti in the morning

A guard-wall is made by big rocks and iron nets. This is to protect the village Jayanti when the river Jayanti becomes furious in the rainy season. Our car is running on the riverbed. Pebbles and car tyres are making an unique sound. We all are swinging inside. Tree trunks which are brought by flash floods are scattered everywhere. The riverbed looks like a vast stretch of flat land full with pebbles. The water is not much visible as it is flowing beneath the stones.

 Water flowing beneath the rocks

As we are moving upstream, the riverbed is getting narrower. Pebbles are turning to bigger stones. Now our car is stopping at a higher ground. The car can not go further as the terrain now has become rocky. We are going to start our trek from here.

 Trek to Mahakal

We are walking along the river. Our guide is guiding our way to keep our feet dry. We are going through a place full of tall grasses. Our guide is informing us that this place is a favorite hideout for leopards. We are thrilled. We have reached a place where we need to cross a stretch of river stream. We are crossing it by jumping. Soumya has captured the moment in camera when Argha was jumping. After walking for few minutes we are having a photo sessions. Soumendu is capturing me and Argha together in his lens. Argha specially wants his red shoes to be inside the frame. Our guide and Soumya has gone ahead in the way and now they are waiting for us to catch up with them.

 Soumya and our guide are waiting for us

The river got more narrower and the water is flowing in a single stream. We have reached near the destination - "Chhoto Mahakal".

We have reached near the destination

Now we have to cross the river to go to the other side. We are removing our shoes and folding our trousers. The water is icy cold. We are crossing the river holding the shoes in our hand. The river is knee deep here and we can feel the current very much.

We all have crossed the river. Now we have to climb to a higher place. There is a makeshift ladder to climb up. 

We have climbed up two ladders one by one and now we have reached our destination. We are taking snaps of the place.

Chhoto Mahakal

After spending some time at the Chhoto Mahakal, we are returning to the place where our car is parked. Now we have taken a little bit different route as the water level in the river got increased.

We have returned to the Jayanti village. We have packed our belongings and checked out from the cottage. Now we are taking our breakfast-cum-lunch at Jayanti railway platform. Yaah, its an eatery that is built up on the abandoned railway platform. This abandoned railway station is the market place of the Jayanti village. After finishing the meal, we will start for our next destination - Buxa fort.  
Next part:  Destination Buxa Fort

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Next part:  Destination Buxa Fort

Previous part:  Jayanti Part-2

Wednesday 15 October 2014

Jayanti - Part 2 - Weekend Destination - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India

Jayanti Part-2

We are just outside the Alipurduar station. Its 1 pm now. We are bargaining with car drivers and autowalas for a ride to Jayanti - our todays destination. Soumendu is calling his friend Dharma to get to know the reasonable price range for the ride. Finally we fixed for an auto rickshaw. Lets buy some liquor from here.

Our auto rickshaw is running like an express. After 20 minutes ride we have reached Rajabhatkhawa. Its the entry point to the Buxa Reserve Forest. We are paying the entry fee for ourselves and Soumendu's camera (its the bigger one than Soumya's). Yeah right, we got two functional cameras for our trip. Again we have started our journey. We are running through the jungle. I am thrilled imagining a leopard is running behind us to get on the auto from the open backside (to enjoy a free ride of course!).

The road map from Alipurduar to Jayanti
( Please don't judge by scale ;) )

we are now in our cottage. We have reached Jayanti at 3 pm. We crossed a river on our way. There is no bridge on that river. We got to know from the auto driver that the river's name is Bala. Our auto crossed through the river bed but we were not swept away by any strong current. How courageous we are. (Actually the water was not visible on the surface of the river bed). ;)

The cottage we stayed

We booked a four bedded room. We are taking bath one by one (keeping it simple as usual!). Rats and moles are doing exercises in our stomachs.

Its 4:30 pm now. We have finished our lunch. Now we are going for a stroll to the river Jayanti. The Jayanti village is at the bank of the river Jayanti. (No idea about how many girls in that village are named Jayanti!)

Crossing the river Jayanti after sunset

A dog was waiting to make its life meaningful by following the great leaders who would come from the land of the south. Finally the moment has arrived and you can clearly see it from the above picture.

The bed of the river Jayanti is very wide. There is not much water visible on the surface of the river. Most of the water flows under the rocks and pebbles of this wide river bed. There is a ruin of a railway bridge on the river. It was built by the East India Company in the year 1915 over the river Jayanti to transport dolomite stones. At the time of its construction, this bridge was 52 feet high. But now its leveled on the river bed. The bridge did not fell on the river bed but the river bed has risen up to kiss its back.

We have now crossed the river. Its becoming dark now. We are seeing trees are standing firm on the extended river bed. There are many tree trunks scattered everywhere. Flash floods have brought them from the upstream of the river. We are now walking towards Bhutia Basti. Soumendu and Soumya are taking snaps of a tall tree standing firm beside the road. We found a bench beside the road and I utilized it for some time. We are walking slowly. Suddenly a peacock screamed raucously in the jungle beside us. Our guide of this stroll is the caretaker of the cottage. He is telling us that there is a salt pit where the peacock was calling.

We are walking towards Bhutia Basti

We have reached Bhutia Basti. Its a small habitat of people who previously worked in the dolomite factories. Kerosene lamps are put on in every hut. We crossed the village and then embarked on the river bed again. We are walking upstream the river towards Jayanti. Its a moonlit night and and we are walking on the river bed. Its amazing.

We are on the riverbed in the moonlit evening

Its past 9 pm. We have finished our dinner. It seemed costly to us as we have found the egg curry is priced at 40 rupees per head. But anyway its a winter night and our stomach is happy. We are sitting on the porch. There is a nice arrangement of chairs and tables here. We are sipping Blenders Pride with Thumsup. This is the first time I am taking Blenders Pride and it feels smooth to me. I am a novice in this practice. Feeling lighter now. We have put off all the lights and enjoying the moonlight. Soumya is talking about elephants. I am imagining a baby elephant wearing a pink dress is riding the slides in a park. 
Next part:  Good Morning Jayanti 

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Next part:  Good Morning Jayanti 

Previous part:   Jayanti - The Beginning

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Jayanti - Weekend Destination - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India

Jayanti - The Beginning

Oye oye! I am writing a blog for the first time. Its gonna be informal (childish or child-dish?) man! Not sure when I will be able to finish this post. I guess I will write minimum four or five lines per day (huh...this is called high speed writing). I am going to write about a nature trip with my pals. What else subject could come in my mind! I am taking myself back on a time machine.

It is the month of December. A time for outing and picnic in our land. Though I like traveling, I have got very few opportunity to travel and explore different places in my life. Some friends of mine traveled to different parts of our country with their family since childhood. However most of my friends have dry luck in this field. But this time, for me its going to be different than the previous years. I am going for a trip to jungle with my friends. 

We have formed a group of four. The tour planner is Soumya. We guessed an estimated budget per head for the entire trip. I do not have detail knowledge of the places that we are going to cover. But I have some idea that we are going to see places having mountain, river and jungle and we are going to have fun. 

We are now going to Sealdah station to board the train Kanchankanya Express. Argha has met me at the bus stop near my home. I have taken a knapsack only. Argha has taken a kit bag and a plastic bag containing a blanket. We have boarded a bus of route no 45 which goes to Sealdah station. Soumendu and Soumya will meet with us at the railway station. Argha does not have any cash with him at this moment. He is thinking he will take cash from an ATM at our destination. I am thinking probably there will be two tigers providing security to the ATM each having twelve hours of shift.

Finally we have made it and we all four are on the train (its a big deal to make a trip finally happen for all the people as planned initially). The train started and we are taking some maiden snaps of ourselves. We are having fun man!

Its morning time and our train is running. Our train passed New Jalpaiguri station sometimes back. We have seen the beautiful Coronation Bridge on the river Teesta. Few years back during my engineering course I visited the Coronation Bridge. At that time I was staying in the university hostel. From the hostel we used to go for a picnic at a far away place in every year. When I was in the final year, we had come to this place for the picnic. At that time seeing the single railway line, I was wondering if any train runs on this route or not. Now I am sitting in a train moving on the same railway line. The views along this route are amazing. Argha is standing at the door to enjoy the thrill. Rest of us are glued beside the windows.

The train route from Kolkata to Alipurduar
( Please don't judge by scale ;) )

This railway line actually passes through the Dooars area. It covers most of the Dooars width from the west to the east. We are running through this route for couple of hours now. We have crossed some rivers on our way. We have seen the jungles mostly on our left side. Whereas on our right side we have seen mostly tea gardens. 

Now the train compartments are having very few passengers. There were many tourists on the train. Most of them have got off the train at the Hasimara railway station. There are few local passengers boarded on the train on the way. Probably seeing that most seats are empty, they have got on this compartment. Seeing the railway ticket checker is not bothered with this unauthorized passengers on-board, I am assuming this is probably the common way of commuting in this region.  
Next part: Jayanti Part-2

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Next part: Jayanti Part-2