Friday 15 May 2015

Jhalong-Bindu Part-2 - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India

Jhalong-Bindu Part-2

We are spending some quality time here looking at the Jaldhaka river. The land on the other side of the river belongs to Bhutan. The nature of the land or topography on both sides of the river is the same. Hill slopes are covered with forest. We are enjoying the beauty of the nature in the sunny winter day. There is a lady with a bucket in hand approaching towards us. There are some live fishes inside the bucket. These fishes are freshly caught from the river. She has most likely thought us as probable customers of the fishes. But we have limited ourselves upto only viewing the fishes and we are happy with that.

Freshly caught fishes from the river Jaldhaka

After taking some snaps, we are now back inside the car. We are continuing our journey towards Bindu. 

We have now reached Bindu. Bindu is a small picturesque hill village situated on the bank of the Jaldhaka river. It is the last village of West Bengal as well as the last village on the Indian side bordering Bhutan. Bindu is a confluence of three streams. One of the streams is originated from the Kupup lake in East Sikkim. These combined streams have formed the Jaldhaka river. 

There is a dam built on the river. Our car has stopped some distance away from the dam. The road actually ends here. But people can walk further up and also on the dam which works as a bridge too. We can see the lock-gates of the dam. Some gates are partially open and water is running down fast. Releasing water from a dam always creates a great view and this is no exception. So this dam controls the flow of the Jaldhaka river and so it controls the Jaldhaka Hydel project.

The river bed is full of rocks. So is the thin Bindu valley. Seeing a big black rock beside the river, I am feeling the temptation to step on that rock. 

 The rocky riverbed of Jaldhaka

I am now sitting on that big black rock. The flowing water is striking the rocks and creating white foam. I am savoring the beautiful view and as well as enjoying the appealing sound of the river. In front of me at some distance away down the river there is a man standing inside the river. He is standing there with the support of a big rock. He is catching fish there. I am wondering how the man has reached on that rock while the current is so strong.

A man catching fish inside the river

I am still sitting on that big black rock and wishing to lay on my back on this rock to relax for some time. But there are other people present in the vicinity and hence I have discarded that plan. Now Argha and Soumya both have come on this rock. Soumendu is standing on the road. He is taking pictures of the surroundings.

There is a border outpost present here. Border security personnels are guarding this outpost. They are keeping their eyes on us. One security personnel has come near us. He is talking to Soumendu now. He is looking at the pictures that Soumendu has captured.

We  have now come back on the road near Soumendu. I am curious about the discussion that took place between the security personnel and Soumendu. What I have come to know that taking photograph of the dam is prohibited. So he was looking at the pictures to find out which photos captured the dam in the background and if found then delete them.

We are now looking at the surrounding places. There are some houses present between the road and the river. All the houses are decorated with many flower plants. Hasanur is saying that few days back a woman from a tourist group plucked some flowers and some altercation took place. I remember during my hostel days we used to do gardening and we created a beautiful garden full with different kind of flowers. Some women from nearby places used to trespass and pluck flowers from our garden during early morning. It was heartbreaking for us. 

When Soumendu was capturing photos of this place he somewhere stepped on some dog poo. He is now trying to clean that shoe by the flowing river water. His woodland shoe is very hungry and so he has not got much success with his effort.

We are now going inside the car. Its time for our return journey.
Next part:   Samsing

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Next part:   Samsing

Previous part:  Jhalong-Bindu


Friday 1 May 2015

Jhalong-Bindu - Dooars - Beautiful Colours of West Bengal - Destination East - Incredible India


We have checked out from Resort Murti after a nice stay. We are now ready for todays journey. Hasanur has reached at the resort with his car. He is actually belongs to this locality. He has spent the night at his home. He is saying that he would invite us to visit his home but due to time shortage he had not done so.

We are now crossing the bridge on the river Murti. We are going to the direction from where we came yesterday. This path is going through the jungle and again the subject of our ongoing discussion is the wild elephants. Hasanur is providing his valuable input in the discussion. And we are thrilled as usual.

 Road map from Murti to Jhalong and Bindu
( I have lost the scale )

This path goes to a place called Khuniya More and from there we are going to take a diversion from our yesterdays route. We will take the path towards the Chapramari Wildlife Sanctuary. We don't have plan for any more jungle safari so we will continue towards Jhalong. 

 The road from Murti towards Khuniya More

We are now moving towards Jhalong. We have left the plain land and now we have entered a hilly area. The path is slowly taking us uphill. There are different kinds of trees all around. We can see many jack-fruit trees along the road. 

The road towards Jhalong

Hasanur has stopped the car at a place. We are taking a break. This place is having plenty of jack-fruit trees surrounding. It looks beautiful. On one side of the road there are long grasses. Hasanur is going somewhere and he is telling us to follow him. He wants to show us something. He is going inside the long grasses. We are following him. Wow! we have reached a view point. We can see the plain land below and a river passing through. Hasanur is saying it is the Jaldhaka river. When I was in school then I read about this river. This place was previously used as a view point. But now it is abandoned. Hasanur has also informed us that these long grasses all around this place are medicinal. These are citronella grasses. Citronella grass is used to make citronella oil. I was aware of the Citronella oil as it is sold in local trains and stations in suburban Kolkata. I have taken one grass leaf and have squeezed it between my thumb and fingers as suggested by Hasanur and I am now taking the smell of the leaf juice. Yes the smell looks familiar. Citronella oil is used in soaps, insect repellents, aromatherapy etc.

We are now moving ahead towards Jhalong. Before getting into our car we have done a photo-session. Soumya has given some heroic poses.  

We have now reached Jhalong. We can see some other tourists are present at an eatery near a view point. We are spending few minutes here and taking some snaps.

A view from Jhalong

We are now moving towards Bindu. The road is moving along the river Jaldhaka keeping it always on the right side. This river is famous for its hydro electric project as it is one of the foremost in the country.

After driving for some more time, Hasanur has stopped the car at a place. This place looks very nice. We are feeling happy to get out of the car and enjoy the beauty of the nature. I am standing on the river side of the road. A railing is present for the safety of people standing here. The river seems very beautiful from here. The water looks very clean and clear so that we can see the river bed through it.

 The Jaldhaka river

Next part:   Jhalong-Bindu Part-2

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